Pampered Pooch Extras
Add a pampered pooch extra to your dog grooming service

Skunky Dog Treatment
Did your furry friend think it would be fun to chase Pepe Le Pew last night? This treatment will get rid of all that stinky stuff
A skunk odor neutralizer is immediately applied to the entire coat, focusing on the head and ears. This neutralizer sits on the coat for 20 minutes
A neutralizing shampoo is applied and rinsed.
Finally, the re-application of odor neutralizer is left to air dry for maximum benefit.
To squeeze or not to squeeze
Scent gland or anal gland expression is not for every dog. If you find your dog doing the scoot dance across your carpet or favorite rug, this will give your dog (and you) some relief.
Teeth brushing
Teeth are brushed with a toothpaste specially formulated for dogs in beef or chicken flavor, followed by breath spray.